Spring Break Extended in Response to Coronavirus Concerns - A Letter from Ms Kathy

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Dear Chamberlain School of Ballet Students and Families,

After consulting trusted doctors and medical professionals and in following the lead of Plano ISD, we have made the decision to extend our Spring Break through next week Saturday, March 21st in response to COVID-19. All children’s and open program classes will be suspended until we are able to resume operations.

Chamberlain School of Ballet has been serving Plano and North Texas area families since 1977, and we have always been dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment in which our students can experience, learn, and love dance and the arts. The health and safety of our students and their families is of utmost importance to myself and my staff. As such, we have made this decision as a preemptive and proactive step to help blunt the spread of the virus within our community.

I know through all of this, our community is strong and loving. We have always shown the capacity and drive to come together for the support of one another. We will be using the coming days to assess proper steps moving forward with reopening, and, as announced last week, we will continue to take extra preemptive steps in continuing to clean and disinfect our facility.

As for a bit of good news, we are looking forward to one of our best slates of summer classes we have had in our 43 years of operation. This summer, we will be welcoming a host of fantastic guest teachers including Suki Shorer of SAB, Leslie Peck of SMU Dance, and Jennifer Hart of Ballet Austin.

Please be sure to follow both Chamberlain School of Ballet and Chamberlain Ballet (our nonprofit performance company) websites and social media for updates and information. We will be updating and posting information as it is available.

Thank you for your consideration and care,

Kathy Chamberlain

PS. In the meantime, PLEASE be sure to take care of yourself and those around you. Stay safe and healthy. Wash your hands.